Which of the five actors who show full frontal in Longhorns — TLA’s horny college comedy — has the best peen? You tell me. See the NSFW contestants after the jump.
Kevin Held
Dylan Vox
Stephen Matzke
Jacob Newton
Derek Efrain Villanueva
(Image Source)
Hands down Dylan Vox has the hottest peen.
Dylan Vox is the best love his hot body . I’ve seen him in a few porn movies and he is hot. Second is Stephen Matzke.
Kevin has the hottest dick
we saw kevin at the restaurant the other night and omg he’s good looking with clothes on but had no idea how good looking he was without them…serve us next time in the raw…please!
Kevin has the best peen, Jacob is a close second (he’s first for overall hotness in my book), then Derek, then Dylan/Brad then Steve. They’re all pretty hot.
Justin,Steve,Kevin,Cesar in that order
Derek and Jacob
the wikipedia link for dylan vox http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dylan_Vox
Anyone else notice Dylan Vox is Brad Benton foment porn star
I’ll take them all!
Kevin is number one for sure
Doesn’t matter, they’re all SMALL!!!
Kevin Held has the best peen and is the cutest IMO.
Kevin, then Jacob, then Stephen.
Definitely Derek! Yum
First and last one
Derek and Kevin definitely. SO HOT!!!
1st and last. Especially the last. Nice uncut!
Not a fair contest unless we can see them fully erect!
“Is Dylan Vox actually former gay porn star Brad Benton??” Yup that is Brad!
Cute and sexy! I got an instant woody.
Wait a minute? Is Dylan Vox actually former gay porn star Brad Benton?? If so, he hasn’t aged a day and…well, you can see much more than his peen if you’re lookin’ for it, boys and girls.
Kevin. They’re all nice, though.
Won’t know until the taste test
kevin ! kevin ! kevin!
First & Last one.
For crotch alone: Kevin and then Derek since Derek is weirdly sparse in the hair department (at least down there). For the whole man I’d probably reverse it and say Derek and then Kevin since Derek seems like a happier person.
Hands down: Kevin
PS: Poor Stephen!
Oh you poor little prissy queen Alex. Did the nasty foreskin scare you pwincess?
Jacob on peen alone, Kevin for the whole package especially a good face and nice furry body.
the uncut ones are NOT winners eeww
Kevin most definitely
Pretty much a toss up between Derek Efrain Villanueva and Kevin Held but leaning toward Kevin’s awesome bush. Wouldn’t kick either one out of bed…..
Derek Efrain Villanueva for sure! Uncut always trumps cut. It is also a lovely size.
Definitely Derek, then Jacob (I love uncut..hehe), then Kevin
Kevin. Jacob needs more bush.
Last ONE (Villanueva) TRUMPS all penises on here!
For the penis alone, Jacob; for the whole package, penis, bush contour, body and face, Kevin’s the one.
Dylan Vox, he’s adorable and that peen looks mighty tasty.
dylan vox definitely, i’ve seen him in a few porn movies and he is hot
Defenitely kevin
I like the last one – though tend to think that pretty much all penises are beautiful.
They’re all adorable. .. if had to vote–Mr Newton
For me, it’s between Held and Vilanueva, with Vilanueva taking it by a foreskin.
Jacob Newton
if you are just judging the peen, the the person…
#1 Jacob
#2 Kevin
#3 Dylan
My vote for Kevin Held. His furriness is an added bonus.
Kevin Held or Jacob Newton. But I will see that this show has a serious case of butterface going on.
Kevin Held or Jacob Newton. But I will see that this show has a serious case of butterface going on.
Kevin Held!